في آخر مقابلة معه نعوم تشومسكي يتحدث عن ثلاث سنوات من الربيع العربي The Arab Spring Three Years On-Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky

The Arab Spring Three Years On
28/11/2013 by Noam Chomsky

Three years since the start of the Arab revolutions, the region has witnessed a kaleidoscope of dramatic developments ranging from free elections to the violent suppression of change. How would you describe the Arab Spring today?
In the past I’ve described it as a “work in progress.” Now, regrettably, the phrase “work in regress” would be more appropriate. The oil dictatorships have been able to repress most efforts at even mild reform, Syria is hurtling to suicide and likely partition, Yemen is subjected to Obama’s global drone terror campaign, Tunisia is in a kind of limbo, Libya lacks a government that can control the militias, and in Egypt, the major country of the Arab world, the military have acted with extreme brutality – and popular support that they should not have in my opinion – in what seems to be an effort to restore their harsh political control and maintain their economic empire, while reversing some of the most significant gains of the earlier period, such as press freedom and independence. The signs do not look good.
In addition, the Sunni-Shi’i conflict instigated by US-UK aggression in Iraq is tearing the country to shreds and spreading ominously over the whole region. There are two parts of the Arab world that remain effectively colonies: Western Sahara, where the democracy demonstrations of late 2010 were harshly repressed and the struggle of Sahrawis for freedom has been almost forgotten, and of course Palestine, where negotiations are underway conforming to the two essential US-Israeli preconditions: that there be no barrier to expansion of the illegal settlements, and that the negotiations be run by the US, which is a participant in the conflict (on the side of Israel) and has been blocking the overwhelming international consensus on a diplomatic settlement since 1976, when it vetoed a Security Council resolution calling for its basic terms, with rare and temporary exceptions.
Under those preconditions, negotiations are likely to be hardly more than a cover for Israel to carry forward its programs of integrating into Israel what it regards as valuable in the West Bank, including few Arabs so as to avoid the “demographic problem,” with continuing US support, and to separate the West Bank from Gaza in violation of the Oslo Accords, while maintaining the brutal siege. Not a bright moment, but the sparks lit by the Arab spring are likely to burst into flames again.
Initial hopes for a linear trajectory towards empowerment and democracy have long disappeared. Was the euphoria misplaced? Where and when did things go wrong?
There never should have been hopes for a linear trajectory. The Arab Spring was a development of historic importance, threatening many powerful interests. Power does not say “thank you for dismantling us,” then walking quietly away.
Western reactions have ranged from military intervention to a hands-off approach as seen in the Gulf States. Do you see an underlying pattern here?
The underlying pattern is familiar: support your favorite dictator as long as possible. If it becomes impossible because the military or business classes turn against him or for some other reason, then send him off somewhere, issue ringing declarations about your love of democracy, and try to restore the old order as fully as possible. It happens over and over. To mention just a few: Somoza, Marcos, Duvalier, Suharto, Mobutu,…
It’s a natural policy for an imperial power, hence completely familiar. It’s also natural for the picture to be ignored or suppressed. The task of the intellectual community is to support power and justify it, not undermine it – though some break the rules.
One of several regional fault lines seems to be the clash between secular and religious forces. Do you see a way this dichotomy can be dealt with constructively? What role should Western governments play?
Neither history, nor logic, nor policy analysis, nor any other source apart from propaganda gives us any reason to expect power systems to play a constructive role, unless it happens to be in their interest. That’s true of western systems, as a special case. In the MENA region, the major powers – Britain, then the US – have fairly consistently supported radical Islam as a counter to secular nationalism. The favorite has been Saudi Arabia, the most extreme radical Islamist state, and a missionary state, spreading its Wahabbist-Salafist doctrines throughout the region.
There are excellent and careful scholarly studies of US “democracy promotion” by their most prominent advocates, who concede, reluctantly, that the government supports democracy if and only if it conforms to economic and strategic interests – just as any rational person would expect.
What role should they play? That’s easy. They should support freedom, justice, human rights, Democracy. We can say the same about Russia and China. To some extent organized popular forces can impel governments in this direction, but there is little sign of that today, for many reasons.
On another level, tensions between religious denominations appear to be on the rise. Already in 2004, Jordan’s King Abdullah spoke of a “Shia Crescent”. Is this notion of a Sunni-Shia proxy war the appropriate lens for understanding current conflicts in the region?
One of the grim consequences of US-UK aggression in Iraq was igniting Sunni-Shia conflicts that had been subdued previously, leading to a horror story that is tearing Iraq apart and has spread over the region, with awful and ominous effects.
And honesty would impel us to recall the judgment of Nuremberg, one of the foundations of modern international law. Aggression was determined to be “the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole” – in this case, including the sectarian conflicts among many other crimes. Honesty would also impel us to recall the injunction that Justice Robert Jackson delivered to the Tribunal: we are handing these defendants a “poisoned chalice,” and if we carry out similar crimes we must suffer the same consequences, or else this Tribunal is a farce, merely victor’s justice. One measure of the gap between Western moral-intellectual culture and civilization is how well these words have been heeded.
This interview was first published in German on IPG-Journal. The questions were asked by Michael Bröning.

    But, does anybody cares about military intervention of it own country. Its a “to big to fail” kind of lie. Diferent kinds of cultures, diferent educations and ways of life, its hard to understand for the mean voter. So hard that they exclude it from his concerns and so, this wheel keep turning. Sad but true.
  • Bernard CORNUT
    France, Germany and other countries opposed to the US-UK led war of aggression against Iraq should bring UK to the International Penal Court. My self as a citizen tried to convince a famous laywer to initiate it as a French friend had her brother killed on the first day (20 mars 2003). But this needs that major moral persons in Europe talk loudly against these criminal post empire powers, so that our continental European citizens, little aware of the details of international politics, would make their votes in relation to the international stand of the candidates as a priroity criterium of their choice. Unfortunately sofar the main media are aligned with this policy of Powers, via the role of money and advertisment budgets, a key lifeline of the paper media. It is worth to remind that NO nation endorses the responsibiity of the Eurpean War ignited in Summer 1914! In fact this War is not yet ended: it already was engineered and decided for the control of the OIL of Mesopotamia, the cheapest in the world. In 1914 the competitors were the Empires of the 3 Big Navies, UK, Germany, Russia, which all had a strong look at Mossul’s Oil.
  • Dave Niemi
    Although there exists similarities between the iron-handed grip the ruling despot of North Korea has on its population and the Saudi Arabian ruling clan’s lock on power, I’ve noticed one difference:
    While the strong man in North Korea has a standing million-man army poised to silence internal critics of his regime, I have never read of a massive domestic army in Saudi Arabia protecting that country’s ruling family. However, the Saudi Arabian ruling clan’s best friend in the world is watching its back, and that friend owns smart missals, armed drones, and the stealth bomber.
    • LR9099
      oh, that’s the only difference you noticed?
      did you also notice maybe that Saudi Arabia, as well as other Gulf countries, have some of the highest standards of living and education in the world?
      the Saudi Arabian ruling clan’s “best friend” is the population of that country – because they love their governments and they love their life. and why wouldn’t they if they live like in paradise there? funny that Chomsky never mentioned that.
      sure they ban women from driving, cut hands sometimes and whatever else. there are a lot of barbarian things there. however, that’s the way they live. most important – their government provides them excellent standards of living and that’s what people care about in the first place. that’s why the “ruling clan” doesn’t need any massive army protection from their own citizens there.
      • Mina S Guirguis
        you must be either silly or have little understanding of Saudi Arabia and it’s economic realities vis a vis it’s own citizens. More and more of young Saudis can’t get jobs because they are under educated and more and more does Saudi Arabia depend on bring skilled workers from abroad…. Saudi Arabia is destined to rung budget deficits fairly soon and the limitations on women (their most educated population!!) is not allowing them to contribute to the economy let alone other psychological drawbacks!
      • LR9099
        who knows what’s going to happen there in the future – I’m talking about major differences between North Korea and Saudi Arabia that exist now.
      • Bozo_2_??
        We’ll see how much they “love” their country and “their” rulers when the oil runs out.
      • LR9099
        I think they’re going to be just fine. Dubai’s wealth, for example, isn’t based on oil anymore. The main revenue comes from coming from tourism, aviation, real estate, and financial services.
      • Bozo_2_??
        Dubai, population 1,5 million, Saudi, population 28,5 million. We’ll see!
    • Bozo_2_??
      I think you neglected to mention the major difference between these two countries: Oil!!
  • Ryan
    “One of the grim consequences of US-UK aggression in Iraq was igniting Sunni-Shia conflicts that had been subdued previously,…”
    What planet does he live on? The Sunni Ba’ath party was the ultimate achievement in sectarian violence.
  • Moshe Habaita
    The Sunni-Shiite conflict is a never ending war. Nothing can stop it.. No person nor Western country.
  • Swiss Observer
    The Sunni Shia divide is about 1400 years old. The hate between the religious factions is almost is old as Islam itself. Peace can only come after Islam will be able to reconcile its internal conflict. Attributing the bloodshed of the Arab Spring on the West is mere useless propaganda. The senseless and shameful massacres in Syria reflect a dis functional society torn apart by historical forces which no one can stop.The Arab Nightmare is here to stay. The solution to the conflict can only come from within Islam itself. Unfortunately, there are no signs that either the Sunni or Shia are interested in a compromise.


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