حركة إبداع Originality Movement: جانب من مقدمة المؤتمر الصحفي الذي سوف يعقد مساء هذ...
Originality Movement Few minutes to start replying questions of the press conference held in Amman by the head manager Nazmi.Org Originality Movement حركة إبداع Website nazmi.org Nazmi.Org Originality Movement حركة إبداع about an hour ago · Like · · Share · See friendship Originality Movement Question from Jordan about the present moment of its policy . The answer as follows: about an hour ago · Like Originality Movement The second question from Greece about OM head manager's tours between Cyprus and Greece by sea or by air in the 80's and if he met jews. the answer is like this: about an hour ago · Like Originality Movement The third question from the occupied territories and war 67 the answer like this: about an hour ago · Like Originality Movement The forth from Israel about peace and treaties in the future... the answe is this about an hour ago · Like...