The Hungry Lions In JWA resisting the big-mouthed rhetoric resistance

تنشر حركة إبداع 
ملخصا لكلمة الناقد العربي تيسير نظمي في مؤتمر تورز "روح المقاومة في الأدب" الذي يعقد في فندق غوين بالتزامن مع انتخابات الهيئة الإدارية لرابطة نقاد الأدب الدولية
                  ويحضره نقاد كبار من مختلف دول العالم ويشارك به ناقد عربي لأول مرة منذ تأسيس الرابطة الدولية عام 1969 وتسجيلها في قائمة المنظمات غير الحكومية في اليونيسكو عام 1971، وفيما يلي الملخص للكلمة/النص باللغات: الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية والإيطالية والألمانية والبرتغالية والروسية. وستنشر حركة إبداع الترجمات باللغات الباقية مثل: الصينية والتركية والفارسية والكورية واليابانية في وقت لاحق.
ملخص النص بالإنجليزية
Tayseer Nazmi's Participation in the A.I.C.L Symposium, " The Spirit of Resistance In Literature"- Paris , Guin Hotel, October 19-20/2007

Mr. President, Dear colleagues,

    My absence is, so mature to let you feel and think of the main topic of your symposium and conference, in this area of the world. The last month, according to the Muslims' culture, was Ramadan, the month of fasting in the Middle East , in which the spirit takes a vague and a metaphysical shape that can't be clearly explained by an ordinary critic.
Though, I suffer it every year for more than one month, during nearly half a century, without sharing the nations in this area their joys and all the promised blessings of God, in return. At this point, it is preferable for me to speak about the exile in life or in literature, which you had covered in your previous symposium two years ago. But I am obliged to stick to the point in speaking only about "the spirit of resistance in literature". I wondered why you didn't shorten the title of this symposium just to one word, which is only "resistance" since to survive in this area of the world it needs you to use all the energies and capabilities you may have just to defend your being.
Actually I really enjoyed the idea of inviting me, whether to join the A.I.C.L or to attend the extraordinary conference even without any kind of spirits. But when it comes to really enjoy my presence among you all, that meant to resist every thing in Jordan , in the prevailing Arab culture, and even in the Palestinian literature, in which the word "resistance" mostly referred to a military action.
Dear colleagues, Mr. President,
  At your universities, it is very easy to write an essay or even a book about the subject, without resisting any complexities on the ground or in minds, while the situation is completely different in what is called the Arab world. This area and its cultures is still suffering from its political regimes. All the Arab regimes, if we exclude the Tunisian's, to some extent, were supporting in away or another Islam as a device to silence their peoples' demands for freedom and equality. These regimes suppressed the progressive real artists and caused some of them to leave the Arab world as a whole to western countries. Those who remained had to adapt their selves to one regime or to another. The options were and still too little to choose.
In my belief, when the objectives of resistance are quite enough clear on the ground, they will reflect their realities in literature, especially when the relation between the creative writer and his society is sincere and so intimate to produce the spirit of resistance. This belief came to my mind as an outcome of reading the history of literature in its dialectic relation with the history of its people. In France, for instance, it was clear in Arthur Rimbaud and the commune of Paris . In Algeria it was clarified in Altaher Wattar's novel "Allaz", or in Malek Haddad's poetry which was written in French.
There was a spirit of resistance in the Arab literature in the period of national liberation which led for the independence of most of the Arab countries. Many Arab writers wrote their experiences after their countries achieved liberation and a kind of independence, unlike the Palestinians who wrote it before. Some turned to criticize and resist wrong trends that appeared after the independence; like Hayder Hayder in Syria in his novel "Alfahd" -Cheetah- and Altaher Wattar in "Alzilzal"- The Earthquake- and most of his novels, like; (The Candle and The mazes).
The previous productive spirit of resistance is missing nowadays in most of the literary life in the Arab world because of many intermingled reasons; one of them and the first that the Arab regimes succeeded in destroying the spirit of freedom and silenced the most important critics in the Arab world. The second and most destructive factor was the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the last is the American model of globalization which blurred even the creative American writers and America 's heritage.
  France , and its role, whether in the past or in the present, remains our hope in; restoring the dignity and honor of resistance with its new contemporary objectives aimed at resisting; poverty, ignorance, capitalism, dictatorships, environment pollution and political corruption.
To resist all these plights of our humanity is not a miracle if we remain co-operative, interactive and have the spirit of hope, the little of it to keep life tastes what remained to us from freedom.


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