أنا بيرتا لوبز تصبح على تيسير نظمي من فنزويلا بيوم الشعر العالمي

tomorrow is the day of the virtual poet, a big hello to all my brothers of letters in the world to those who dream of one day being able to change the world or a heart with his lyrics. Congratulations brothers Poets.Poets are a strange endangered species, live our own economic hardship, social and even moral. Well as our dreams, joys, sorrows and loneliness, being sacrificed on the altar of new and unspeakable gods (money, fashion, consumerism, looks, luxury, technology tip). However, to be relegated to a past cheesy and gray (as would say today), not taken into account that the dazzling technology with all its magical devices can never replace the human soul and it is precisely there, where does your triumphal entry, the poet, for the dreams, hopes, feelings, creativity and hope, not ever succumb to the cold logic of modern man-made machine. Certainly, through history and endless times, poets have been revered by the splendor of his soul crystal clear as the sun, also hated to be notorious fluidity, strength and truth of his words, making it dangerous and heavier pen than the sword. Be or not to be, so wondered Hamlet , and certainly the poet is a poet by nature, essence, by conviction. Woe to those who take the pen in pursuit of a false glory Just as existed (and exist) false prophets, false poets exist because Poetry is part of the experience and the soul, not empty words without feeling. Such as Jesus of Nazareth say in one of his parables (I hope the church apologize radical change): "Happy the poet who writes with the soul, filling the world with a thousand colors, a thousand scents, a thousand dreams in blue hopeful as it is the kingdom of heaven. " Neither the new gods, nor technology, succeed in undermining the very essence of the heart and soul human, then deny it, would deny himself the possibility of existence of human being to be free. A man must seek and find again the simplicity of life in nature. In their natural environment and in itself to create a better world. Are you able to make you smile false gods like the breeze hitting the face at the dawn of spring? Could make lips tremble with emotion as passionate or bring peace as the eyes of a child? create the feeling Can welfare and peace to hear the song of birds at sunset? Or just steal the dreams to see a starry sky of July? Ranger field where men fight eternally against himself, against the institutions of society is the stage enslaving where poets, filled with all their weapons, like a big blue fire, souls and spirits with songs of hope, life, love, peace, dreams, conscience and truth, achieving perfect harmony between man and his destiny. Poet always live faithfully as the exhibitor of the human soul. Viva la poetry and the achievement of a more humanized.

 Luis Guillermo Villasana V
Luís Guillermo Villasana V


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