The Empty Throne By Tayseer Nazmi (Palestinian Poet In Exile)

A step or two between me and the empty throne
And twenty thousand killed people
I contemplated that carefully while drinking my coffee ...
Steady my head behind the cigarette smoke
With no one dove on the horizon
Or the voice of Hadeel
A step or two and nothing tempting to ignite a fuse
I was so lazy to kick it with my long leg
That empty throne chair
And reared meditation and laziness
And behind me the whole history
And assigns my back a mountain
It was suffering loneliness, annoyed of breeding events
And pondered limited space and passing Jews
Not adumbrate
Bleak and lonely seat
Its iron legs tied with chains of slaves
Nothing new in its loneliness
Nor kisses
I petty its emptiness
And sympathized its idiot
Had a king sat there or even seen it ?
Whether or not he feels his insanity
I remained watching, smoking my cigarette , drinking my coffee
Sitting so complete in my throne as a mountain

Tayseer Nazmi - Amman


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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