حركة إبداع Originality Movement: جانب من مقدمة المؤتمر الصحفي الذي سوف يعقد مساء هذ...

Few minutes to start replying questions of the press conference held in Amman by the head manager

Nazmi.Org Originality Movement حركة إبداع

about an hour ago ·  ·  · · See friendship

    • Originality Movement Question from Jordan about the present moment of its policy . The answer as follows:
      about an hour ago · 

    • Originality Movement The second question from Greece about OM head manager's tours between Cyprus and Greece by sea or by air in the 80's and if he met jews. the answer is like this:
      about an hour ago · 

    • Originality Movement The third question from the occupied territories and war 67 the answer like this:
      about an hour ago · 

    • Originality Movement The forth from Israel about peace and treaties in the future... the answe is this
      about an hour ago · 

    • Originality Movement stratigic thinkers in Israel know well that treaties only can survive if they are signed between peoples not regimes that will be changed by revolts, so Arab revolts will serve this in the future and we as OM can not bridge gaps of classes without a revolution but other objectives are gradually achieved
      about an hour ago · 

    • Originality Movement Question five came from California concerning a novel called The Disinherited by Fawaz Turki and the answer is as follows
      about an hour ago · 

    • Originality Movement Fawaz is now working to the Washington Post, so you can directly ask him, but the translation I had made of it is lost now or may be still in Kuwait some where as a copy since one third of it was published in Alwatan daily there. Yes we adopt the last chapter of it not fearing a collapsing corrupted regimes in the area
      about an hour ago · 

    • Originality Movement political questions about the so called opposition in Jordan. The answer is:
      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Originality Movement No such called opposition in Jordan because no faction is brave enough to disclose its reality.
      about an hour ago · 

    • Originality Movement bbl
      29 minutes ago · 

    • Originality Movement تم و قف المؤتمر الصحفي نتيجة تدخل ادارة الفيسبوك و حجبها للاجابات و سوف ينقل كاملا لمواقع حركة ابداع
      2 minutes ago · 

    • Originality Movement Facebook censored most of our answers so we stopped and it is over but we'll shift to OM websites

The first thing I thought of  on June the tenth 1967 is how to learn Hebrew in order to enable me work in Israel and get the cost of living of 7 members of our family. I never thought of leaving Silat Al-Daher after reading what I'd read in our school library and experienced love there. Nor did I thought of finding myself after a short period in Kuwait which I entered again for the third time on June 19th. As if we had completely divorced at that date. Since then this date is every year getting worse than the previous year.
Yes, we spoke to a Yemeni Jew married to a Balgarian Jew on the Solphrine which was coming from Haifa and leaving Larnaka to Greece, just to discuss the possibility of protecting our children from the sea coldness at night, and unfortunately we did not reach any compromise and my elder daughter Elza and all of us slept on the deck suffering its worst cold at night.
Jordan is turning into a security company to protect the rich against the poor and it stopped to function as a country which respects its citizens nor did its people know their rights as human beings because of the religion's drugs and morphine of obedience that the regime is exploiting not with the Christians of course but with the Muslims by their parties interests and false claims of reform and rejection.

حركة إبداع Originality Movement: جانب من مقدمة المؤتمر الصحفي الذي سوف يعقد مساء هذ...: "جانب من مقدمة المؤتمر الصحفي الذي سوف يعقد مساء هذا اليوم من مكان ما في عمان و يبث عبر صفحات الفيسبوك على الهواء مباشرة باللغة الانجليزية ل..."


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