Founded on the basis of originality and creativity multidisciplinary, multicultural and multilingual which aims to bridge the gaps between the provisions of knowledge, first to build bridges between them to serve its humanitarian objectives based on the foundations of justice and equality, peace and freedom, the values of the right of peoples, classes and cultures to struggle for the consolidation, regardless Of space and time, bypassing the borders for the sake of them. Non-governmental organization established with the support going since a self-funding and without a hand, but only of the faithful to its mission and capacity of the horizon of its founder, writer, translator and critic Palestinian T. Nazmi.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

نيويورك تايمز: بوتين من الانزلاق من رجل دولة إلى طاغية !

ريتا محمود درويش هل هي تمارا بن عامي أم تانيا رينهارت ؟ The Beloved Jewish

الحراكات والإسلاميين ينظمون مسيرة اصلاحية كبرى عشية الإنتخابات